Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Secret Ingredients Have Arrived!

A box from Marx Foods appeared on the doorstop today. Inside we found Dried Aji Panca Peppers, Bourbon Vanilla Beans, Fennel Pollen, Dried Wild Porcini Mushrooms, Tellicherry Peppercorns, Dulse Seaweed, Maple Sugar and Smoked Salt. Now, to compete in the Iron Foodie Challenge sponsored by Foodie Blogroll and Marx Foods, we will need to create a signature dish using at least three of these eight ingredients. Any ideas? Our concoction will be posted here on December 3rd and voting begins on December 7th. Stay tuned to see what we come up with!


1 comment:

Katie said...

Ooo exciting! And not as weird a list of ingredients as it could have been.

Maybe a salty-sweet dessert? Like, a custard (with vanilla, of course) with a crispy layer of burnt maple sugar on top, and a few grains of smoked salt? Having not tried the salt, it's hard to say if that would work.

Since I just joined the Blogroll, I missed the contest and am having to live vicariously through others. Good luck!

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