Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lemon Glaze Memorialized

We recently shared our bread pudding recipe with on our friend, Maureen’s whose blog. We are excited that she has shared our recipe for bread pudding. We hope you will pop over to grab our recipe as well as others on her site! Bread pudding is truly is a comfort food that soothes and salves the soul. We never serve our bread pudding without this warm lemon glaze which adds a sweet zing to the cinnamony deliciousness of the breaded custard.

We have mentioned in the past how fortunate we are to  live in such a wonderful community with such amazing friends and neighbors which makes it even sadder when we lose a member of our collective. Unfortunately we have lost several friends recently, but have been so impressed by the memorial services held by their families. These get-togethers have been joyous celebrations of lives well lived, but cut too short rather than the gloomy funerals and tear-filled receptions of the past. They have been gatherings of friends and family with great food, wine, camaraderie and laughter; the type of occasion in which you imagine your lost friend standing amongst you enjoying the moment.

One such event was held recently in the Garden Center of the local hardware store were the former veteran worked for many years. Everyone brought a dessert while entrée items were graciously contributed by friends at a neighborhood restaurant. Since the celebration was held outside on a crisp evening, we thought a warm dish would be appreciated by revelers. What could be a more fitting dish of comfort than bread pudding?

Lemon Glaze:
  • 2 lemons, juiced
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • ¾ cup water
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla

Stir together water and cornstarch. In a small saucepan, add water mixture and all other ingredients. Stirring constantly, simmer over medium-high heat until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture begins to thicken; about 1 minute. Spoon 2 tablespoons of lemon glaze over the bread pudding before serving.

Luckily, bread pudding also travels quite well. It holds its heat well and the lemon glaze can be placed in a squeeze bottle for mess-free use.  The bread pudding can be made ahead to be taken to an event where it will be cooked later. When this is the case, refrigerate (as long as overnight) after tossing toasted bread cubes and egg mixture in the baking dish, without pressing down the bread cubes. Toss ingredients again before cooking on site following the steps above.

Thanks again to Maureen for featuring our guest post. You can keep up with the Orgasmic Chef on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. We highly recommend you do.



Marina@Picnic at Marina said...

Hello Denise and Dom, I came over from Orgasmic chef to enjoy more of your deliciousness... Great pudding, perfect for an Autumn picnic... :)

Dinner2Go said...

This recipe looks absolutely fantastic. We are about to start delivering pre-prepared food packages, and I think this would be a fabulous addition.

Maureen | Orgasmic Chef said...

Holy cow this looks good :) I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this on your guest post for Orgasmic Chef. I've never made bread pudding like this before but I can tell you I'll never go back to the "old way."

Thanks so much for guest posting for me and I'm sure my readers will love you too.

Norma Chang said...

Came over from Maureen's, love the bread pudding and this Lemon Glaze puts it over the top. Thanks for sharing.

WizzyTheStick said...

Oh I make bread pudding all the time but never thought to put lemon glaze over it. Yum. Saw this over on Orgasmic chef and just had to pop over to leave a comment on this.

Denise @ We Like To Cook! said...

Thanks for all the high praise! I hope you all try the bread pudding. I know you will become addicted as we are!

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