Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Thank you so much to Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe for awarding me the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! Chris knows that while we cook as a family, that I am the “keeper” of the blog. I am very honored to be a part of this growing list of amazing sister bloggers from around the world. Please head on over and check out some of Chris’ recipes!!

In accepting this award, I agreed to complete the following tasks:
  • Recognize (and Thank!) the “sister” who presented you the award, and link to their blog in your post.
  • Copy and paste the award image.
  • Share seven interesting things about yourself.
  • Choose 15 other sister bloggers to receive the award, and let them know that they have received the award.
Seven interesting things about myself (this task is far more difficult than it sounds):
1.    There are few things I enjoy more in life than a ripe tomato fresh from the garden.
2.    I don’t like green beans. I want to, but I just don’t.
3.    While our front yard looks landscaped, it is peppered with many various herb plants: oregano, thyme, sage and lemon balm to name a few.
4.    Duke’s is my favorite brand of mayonnaise. 
5.    I have an insatiable sweet tooth.
6.    It is incredibly hard for me to pass a yard sale without stopping for a peek.
7.    I once dined on Sciurus Carolinensis as a young girl.

I am so thrilled to pay the award forward to my favorite blogger “sisters”! All of these ladies have impressed me with their writing, recipes, photographs and humor. Please take a few minutes to visit their sites as I am sure you will enjoy them as much as I do!

Recipe Girl

P. S. Since the Sisterhood Award is for my Blogging girlfriends, I am awarding a "Big Brother of the World Blogger Award" to Christo at  Chez What? for his creative recipes, great writing and especially for his dry wit!



Lawyer Loves Lunch said...

Thanks for the award! And I wasn't familiar with a number of the blogs on your list so I'm definitely going to go check your favorites out! :)

Susan/Wild Yeast said...

Thank you so much!

Christy said...

Nice, I am going to have some fun going through the blogs too :)

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